Year: 2022

Novel ponder 10

Hi bloggers Mohamed here.

We have finally finished the one and only Ivan book

I thought the book was really interesting and really fun to listen to.

I think a person that would enjoy the book would be someone that would be around 10 to 19.

My favorite character was Bob the dog because he was really funny.

What is your favorite part in the book?

Blog ya later Mohamed.

Kelly sport

Hi bloggers Mohamed here.

Here is my blog post about Kelly sports.

We first played shipwreck with coach Brett where you have a hoop and you have to get on when they say SHIPWRECK.

Then we played Shark with coach Misha were you are not allowed to touch the ground and get to the other side

We also played Satellite with coach Zach where you have to throw around a ball and people have to try and knock the ball away from your team.

Then we played  circle pass with coach Adam where there are people running and you have to pass the ball as much as you can and when the people are all finish running the team with the most points win.

Last we played inch worm with coach Shane where you have to get toys but you don’t touch the ground and you can use platforms to help you get toys and the team with the most toys win.

What is you favorite game at Kelly sport?

Blog ya later Mohamed.




Novel ponder 8

Hi bloggers Mohamed here.

I don’t think animals and humans can understand each other because they are totally different things.

maybe because shes spent much more time with Ivan instead of her dad.

What do you think?

blog ya later Mohamed.